
SEND Information

How do I contact the person responsible for SEND?

The SEND Lead Mrs Rosina Kellman can be contacted by telephone or by email. 
Contact Us:  01545 821352 or email: admindiptford@thelink.academy


Children with SEN have learning difficulties or disabilities that make it harder for them to learn than most      other children of the same age. They may need extra help or adapted approaches to allow them to access learning. 

If your child’s first language is not English: the law says that children do not have learning difficulties just     because their first language is not English, although, some of these children may have learning difficulties    as well.

Many children will have SEN of some kind at some time during their education. School can help most children succeed with some changes to our practice or additional support. But some children may need extra help for some or all of their time in school.

Many children who have SEN may also have a disability. A disability is described in law (the Equality Act 2010) as ‘a physical or mental impairment which has a long-term (a year or more) and substantial adverse effect on their ability to carry out normal day-to-day activities.’ This includes, for example, sensory impairments such as those that affect sight and hearing, and long-term health conditions such as asthma, diabetes or epilepsy.

All children are valued, respected and welcomed to the school whatever their additional educational need. We will support their learning and ensure they are fully included in all school activities, making full use of externally provided facilities where appropriate.
  1. How does the school assess the progress of pupils and what would they do if my child was falling behind?

    Pupil progress is regularly assessed by the teachers through observation, marking, conferencing and assessments. Assessment is ongoing and half-termly pupil progress meetings are held between the teachers and Academy Head where every child’s progress and attainment is reviewed. Pupils who are identified as having SEND (or those who are not making sufficient progress) will have support created and tailored to meet their specific needs. Some of the intervention and strategies we use include: Pre-teaching; Precision Teaching; Colourful Semantics; Nessy; Toe by Toe; Lego Therapy; Therapeutic Play. For further information, please do speak to your child's  class teacher or  Mrs Edgington 

  2. How accessible is the school environment?

    The school is accessible for all children. There is a disabled toilet with shower facilities available.

  3. Where can I find information about the approach to pupils with SEND?

    Our approach to pupils with SEND is documented in the school’s SEND policy, found on our website.

  4. Who is the person responsible for children with SEND?

    Every teacher has the responsibility for children with SEND in their class. The SEND Lead (SENDCo) is the person responsible in ensuring this support meets the needs of the children and provides support and advice to teachers and parents where required. The SEND lead  for Diptford is Holly Edgington

  5. How do I contact the person responsible for SEND or arrange to meet them?

    Our SENDCo, Mrs Rosina Kellman,  can be contacted by telephone or by email. 
    Contact Us:  01545 821352 or email: admindiptford@thelink.academy

  6. What training or specialist expertise does your staff have around SEND?

    School staff have been trained to provide a variety of support. Where a training need is identified and the expertise not present, the school is committed to ensuring that training gap is promptly addressed. Where a need has been identified by the school, the SEND Lead will discuss this with parents and seek advice and support from the appropriate agency in order to meet the needs of the child. Our school nursing team is Virgin Care. Our Trust Inclusion and Improvement Hub provides an excellent network of expert training, specialist support and access to extended services – see the Inclusion Hub link on our website for more information.

  7. How are parents/carers and children with SEND supported to share their views and concerns and work alongside the school?

    The school has a variety of ways to allow parents/carers to share their views and concerns. Teachers endeavour to be available at the end of the school day if parents/carers wish to discuss their child. Alternatively, an appointment may be booked to talk to the teacher and SENDCo. In addition, the school offers parent consultations termly.

  8. If I am not happy with the provision at the school, how can I share my concerns or make a complaint?

    If you are not happy with the SEND provision at the school, please contact the class teacher, SENDCo or the Academy Head, to share your concerns. 

  9. Where can I find information about the Devon Local Authority’s Local Offer for children with SEND and their family?

    Information about the Local Authority’s Local Offer can be found on the Devon County Council website.